Critical Tattoo

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Critical Tattoo is one of the leading tattoo power supplies manufacturers.
The range includes power supplies with the most diverse functions that can be found on the tattoo market.

From small power packages, which change their color depending on the voltage and thus become an incredible eye-catcher in your tattoo studio, on somewhat larger power supplies with display and all sorts of settings - here, every tattoo artist will find it!

In order to be able to optimally operate your power supply unit in the Tattoo Studio, Critical Tattoo offers all sorts of useful accessories at this point.

Very handy is for example the steel base plate on which your magnetic power supply from Critical Tattoo earthquake proof stands. Of course, tattooing during an earthquake is not advisable, but the Critical Tattoo power supplies would definitely not stop it with this steel plate! Thanks to the heavy weight of this plate, your power supply is always safely in place!