Survive the Corona crisis with these tips & tricks

We are all affected by the restrictions imposed by Corona. So that we don't lose our heads from boredom and also frustration during this crisis, we've come up with a few thoughts on how to get through the time better. Besides staying healthy and having enough toilet paper on hand, we present you a few ways to use the time wisely.
Point 1: Renovate the studio
Now that customers are no longer allowed to enter the studios, you can use this time perfectly to spruce up your studios. Repaint the walls, rearrange the showcases or get completely new furniture. This way, you can surprise your customers with a new look and a breath of fresh air when you reopen.
During the normal studio day you usually do not find time for such elaborate renovation measures, so if not now, when? Not only your customers will be happy about the new furniture or a fresh wall color. The change is also good for you in this nerve-racking time.

Point 2: Refreshing skills
You have too much time and the ceiling is already falling on your head? Then grab a practice skin or a test object and get to work on the machine. Want to learn a new style like Mandala or Realistic? Then use the free time and learn a few new skills.
We offer helpful artbooks to get you started and provide creative inspiration. Learning something new is not only fun, you can build a new customer base along the way. Expand your portfolio and show off your progress on social media.
Point 3: Replace portfolio
Now that you have enough time to become true most of the newly learned skills, of course you need to show them off. Create a portfolio and add the new style to it. Your customers will be happy about this progress and you will also expand your customer base with possible new customers. Take your time and invest all your creativity in the portfolio, because you currently have enough time anyway.

Punkt 4: Wanna Do's erstellen
With your newly learned skills but also with your existing, you certainly always have many creative ideas for new motifs. Since in the everyday stress these ideas usually remain fantasies in the head, so you can now use the time and work out these ideas in Wanna Do's. So you are then also perfectly prepared when the studios can open again.
Point 5: Renew decoration/furniture
If the ceiling falls on your head and you feel the urge to change something, you can also browse our store for great utensils. You don't want to hide your skills and place them visibly in the studio? Then take a exercise object as a decoration. Put the machine in your hand and get started. You could also refresh your lighting.
From practical work lamps to ring lights for the perfect social media appearance, you're sure to find what you're looking for. Light fits, decoration is in place, but what about order? With a workstation, for example, you're perfectly equipped for your next appointment. And how about some luxury for your customers? High-quality and super comfortable tattoo chairs, for example.