Tattoo Studios in Shutdown - Building a Positive Mindset

Body Cult Tattoo Supplies
2020-11-20 17:11:00 /
Tattoo Studios in Shutdown - Building a Positive Mindset - Second Corona Wave - How Positive Thoughts Help You Through the Shutdown

With winter approaching the time when the happiness hormone serotonin decreases and thus depresses our mood. Due to Corona, our mindset is already depressed, also because of the partial lockdown, and contributes to the bad mood. We'll show you how to get out of it and what you can do for a positive mindset.

How do positive thoughts help me through another shutdown?

Already the first part of the lockdown was not easy for everyone. Many operators of tattoo studios feared for their existence, now the second part lockdown hits us.
Stress not only affects our mood, but also affects our body. Blood pressure and heart rate increase with stress. If you react calmly in stressful situations, you can prevent this. To avoid long-term damage to our health, we should also avoid stress as much as possible.
Another problem that Corona brings is the lack of interpersonal relationships. Isolation also strikes a chord with us and can affect mental health. Especially people who live alone can feel lonely during this time and run the risk of depression.
But how can we get around the corona blues? A positive mindset will certainly not be able to solve all problems, but it can help us deal with current situations better and cope with daily challenges in a relaxed way.
It is said that people who see stressful times as a challenge from which something can be learned grow from them and come out of them better than people who see them as a threat. So whether we see an event like the second Corona wave as a threat or an opportunity depends, of course, on the circumstances and resources we have at the time. But by consciously evaluating the situation, we have the chance to consciously change it.

Ways to get you thinking positive thoughts

We'll give you a few helpful tips to help you maintain a positive mindset.
Take your time and think about what you are grateful for. This can be small things like your morning coffee or the fact that you are healthy. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a roof over their head or access to food and drink. Be aware of what you have already achieved in your life and don't get lost in thoughts about what you are missing in life to be happy. Because once you take a good look, you'll realize that you're basically doing pretty well.
Since we are unfortunately not allowed to meet in person at the moment, and humans need social contact, why not give your favorite person a call? Sometimes just hearing someone's voice is enough to make us feel connected again. An intense conversation can work wonders and open up new perspectives.
You'll laugh together again, perhaps rehash old stories and reminisce. All of this will give you a sense of connection and distract you from the current situation. You can also talk about your worries and fears. We are all currently in the same boat and should share our thoughts and experiences.
Another thing that will help you feel better is exercise.
Especially exercise in the fresh air will help you to clear your head and breathe deeply. A walk in nature can also be beneficial for your soul. A peaceful environment reduces stress and helps you relax.
Use the time you have wisely. You may not have as much free time as you do now until you retire, so use it wisely. Do you have a hobby that you've always put off due to lack of time? Or have you always wanted to learn a new instrument? Then now is exactly the right time to start!
Speaking of free time. You can now finally do all the things that have been lost in the stress of everyday life. Whether it's the tax return or cleaning out the basement. There is certainly one or the other thing that has come up short.
Of course, these aren't necessarily the most fun activities, but once you've worked through everything, you can sit back with satisfaction! This will also improve your mood, and you'll have been able to work through those already annoying things in a relaxed way, rather than in a jam-packed, stressful daily routine.
Of course, it is not a matter of ignoring the difficulties that the pandemic brings with it. Rather, it is about realizing that some things are in our own hands and that we can actively influence them. Through the first lockdown, we now know which things worked well for us and which did not.
So we should learn from it and make the shutdown as pleasant as possible for us. Enjoy this free time and use it wisely.