Opening of a tattoo studio - basic requirements for starting your own business

Body Cult Tattoo Supplies
2021-04-05 18:00:00 /
Opening of a tattoo studio - basic requirements for starting your own business - Open a tattoo studio - The best tips and tricks

You have long dreamed of opening your own tattoo studio, but are still unsure what it takes? We show you the way to self-employment and give you helpful tips to hand.

What are the requirements?

Since the job description tattoo artist is not a state-recognized profession, theoretically anyone can call himself a tattoo artist and also open his own studio. Even though it is an artistic craft without proper training, there are some things to consider before opening your own studio.

The trade license

The first step is to apply for a trade license. You can easily apply for it at your city hall, the trade office or online. The costs for the license vary depending on the municipality and are between 10€ and 65€. As a rule, the issuing of the trade license takes only a few days.
For the registration you should in any case already have found a suitable name for the studio, this is noted on the trade license.
After successful registration of your trade, you will receive a letter from the tax office with a so-called survey form. In this form you will indicate the income you expect. If you are unsure about finances (sales tax, income tax, etc.), we advise you to hire a tax consultant. This person will then also take care of your annual income tax return.

Health Office

Do you need a permit from the health department for your studio? No, a permit is not necessary. But of course there are very strict hygiene standards in a tattoo studio. If you are unsure how to comply with these standards at the beginning, there are extra training and courses that cover the topic in detail.
Even if you don't need a permit, it's possible that the health department will show up at your door. At irregular intervals and usually without notice, your studio can be inspected.
You can also take the initiative and simply ask the health department yourself what requirements, guidelines and standards your studio must meet.
If you do not meet the hygienic requirements during an inspection, the health department can close your studio.

Training certificate

As written above, the profession of tattoo artist is not a state-recognized training profession. Nevertheless, you should meet a few requirements before you open your own studio.
In addition to drawing talent, you should also be good at advising customers, empathetic and communicative approach to people. Because only if you can determine exactly what your customer wants, you can conjure up the perfect tattoo on his skin.

Business plan

A business plan is the basis for every founder. It shows whether your wishes and ideas are feasible at all. With the help of the business plan, you can determine how much money you will need to open your studio and how many customers you will need every day to cover your running costs.
The business plan will also show you how much start-up capital is necessary for your project and from what point on you will be able to work profitably. When calculating the business plan, it is important to proceed in a particularly detailed, accurate and comprehensible manner. With the business plan you can present yourself to banks and investors, e.g. for a suitable loan. Especially if you start without equity capital, you cannot avoid an appointment with banks

What does your studio need to offer customers?

What exactly do customers expect from a tattoo artist and his studio?

Artistic talent

Often clients have great ideas for their tattoo, but are usually unable to draw this themselves or combine the artwork with existing tattoos. And that's where you come in!
Your job is to sketch the ideas and create a template. Since you certainly can't stitch all styles perfectly, you should think about your stylistic focus in advance.
You can always further develop your craftsmanship and practical experience by, for example, finding out about innovations and trends on the market at trade fairs.

Hygiene standards

As written above, tattoo studios must meet the highest standards of hygiene. You can have all the artistic talent you want if your tattoo studio looks more like a dump than a neat and clean studio. By working directly on the client, you are causing them consensual injuries that can become infected or scarred if the materials are contaminated.
When decorating your studio, make sure it is easy to clean. This is best accomplished with tiled walls and floors. Your equipment must also meet the latest hygiene standards and you must also keep an eye on proper disposal. You can also get information about this from the health department.

Feel-good atmosphere

In addition to your artistic talent and the hygienic studio, your customer should also feel comfortable. A relaxed and pleasant atmosphere helps not only you, but also, for example, anxious customers.
Be gentle with your clients, make sure you trust them and listen to what they want. It is best to explain your steps to your clients, so they can see what a professional you are.
If you like to play music in your studio, be aware that you will have to pay GEMA fees.
Satisfied customers are the best advertising ;)

Professional tattoo supplies

In your calculation for a tattoo studio you should also calculate the required equipment. For starters, you need a solid basic equipment that meets the different needs of customers and is suitable for your style. With tattoo supplies you should definitely pay attention to a high quality. We show you what materials you need for your start.

Tattoo needles

For different motifs you also need different needles. So you should get a balanced mixture of different needles. But always make sure when choosing to buy the right needles for your style.
If you are unsure which needle you need for which style, check out our blog post.

Ink caps and ink cap holders

The better organized your studio is, the easier and more professional it is to tattoo. Therefore, you should definitely have ink caps in different sizes available. It is best to get ink caps with a stable base or extra ink cap holders to avoid unnecessary tipping of the caps.

Cleaning and disinfection

Hygiene is the be-all and end-all. Therefore, you absolutely need the right cleaning and disinfecting agents in your studio. When buying, you should make sure that the agents are well tolerated and natural. Green Soap, for example, is ideal for removing paint residue from medical instruments. For cleaning work surfaces, you should use Code Clean. This cleans oily and greasy surfaces thoroughly.

Studio equipment

In addition to the equipment, you will of course also need the appropriate studio furnishings. But we do not mean a few plants and pictures on the wall.
So that you can really get started and tattoo your first customer, you need in addition to a tattoo chair, the right lighting, a work table, storage for your colors and also an armrest for you would be advantageous.

Which insurances do I need?

As a self-employed person, you are responsible for many insurances yourself. Some of them are compulsory and others are voluntary - so you should carefully consider which ones make sense for you. Since you work directly with customers, you should be particularly well insured. You should not be stingy here.

Health insurance

Health insurance is mandatory in Germany. As a self-employed person, you have the choice between statutory and private health insurance. The contributions depend on your income and are regularly adjusted in the context of the tax return. You should compare different health insurance companies in advance, as the contributions can vary greatly.

Occupational disability insurance

Surely you have heard about the occupational disability insurance. The insurance will cover you if you are unable to continue your work due to illness or an accident. However, an incapacity of 50% must be given, then you receive the so-called occupational disability pension.

Public liability insurance

This insurance is responsible for covering property damage, financial loss and personal injury that you or your business cause to third parties. It takes over the complete claim settlement, which is why you should also make sure when choosing this insurance that the insurance also covers damage caused by employees or guest tattooists.

Business interruption insurance

The insurance takes effect, if your tattoo studio should prevent your further work on site due to damages like fire, lightning, storm, hail, vandalism, flood, water damage or burglary.
In such a case, the insurance will continue to pay you your earnings.

Commercial legal protection insurance

If you get into a legal dispute with a customer, a supplier or your landlord, this insurance will help you cover the costs of the lawyer or the court.

Building and contents insurance

Now that you have put so much money into your business and equipment, you should insure it well. This insurance is responsible for damage to the building as well as damage to your business premises. Your commercial equipment as well as your goods are appropriately insured in case of natural hazards and burglary.

In conclusion, opening a business may seem complicated at first, but it's absolutely doable! If you stick to the above points, create a good business plan and bring artistic talent, not much can go wrong.
In any case, we wish you the best of success!